Folic acid IS NOT your friend!
Let's clear up some confusion: Folic acid IS NOT the same thing as folate and should NEVER be used as an equivalent.
Let’s Talk About Folic Acid!
Folic acid fortification was heavily implemented in 1998. Thank goodness it's 2019 and we now know better! The thing I love about science is it's ALWAYS evolving, it's constantly changing. If it wasn't, we would still be practicing bloodletting or performing lobotomies for mental illness.
Folic acid is what we’re supposed to take while pregnant, right? WRONG! Folic acid is not the same thing as folate. If you are pregnant, please look on your prenatal bottle and make sure you are taking folate.
Folic Acid Vs. Folate:
What does this mean? Folic acid can inhibit transport of the necessary active folate across the blood-brain barrier where we need it to be able to support reductions in neuroinflammation.
Has your doctor suggested folic acid? Do you have questions on what prenatal you should be taking? Please, contact us today!
Let's get back to health,
Dr. Taryn
Dr. Valerie Ferdinand, ND Functional Medicine University
Pietzrik K et al. Folic acid and L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2010; 49(8):535-548. Choi JH et al. Contemporary issues surrounding folic acid fortification initiatives. Prev Nutr Food Sci. 2014; 19(4):247-260.
Smith AD et al. Is folic acid good for everyone? Am J Clin Nutr. 2008; 87:517-33. Bailey RL et al. Serum unmetabolized folic acid in a nationally representative sample of adults > 60 years of age in the United States, 2001-2001. Food & Nutrition Research. 2012; 56:5616.
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